Privacy Policy

Updated and Effective on November 10, 2023

Use of Cookies

We add 2 cookies required for calling our APIs upon Sign Up / Sign In and remove them on Sign Out.

Use of Information

We highly respect our users. We don't track you, we don't keep unnecessary information. We only keep information provided by you, and will immediately delete any part of it by your request.
We don't send you a Newsletter or promotional materials, hence we will not request your email address.


We may serve advertisements minimally and not in intrusive way in future.

Account management

Due to the nature of, user may create account directly on our website or by using our API and also from third party platforms who use our services.

The third parties will automatically registered as your account agent or proxy, meaning they have some degree of access to your account. But you can revoke or restrict their access from User Console.

You can also download all of your personal information/data available on at any time.

Third Party User

This refer to platform not owned by that uses our API to serve their users.
This policy apply to them as a user but they also may have their own Privacy Policy and is not responsible for them, please read their policy carefully to avoid any problems.


If you have a concern about our handling of your personal information, please get in contact with us first using the details in the "Contacting Us" section of this Privacy Policy. will respond to your inquiry within 30 days.

Contacting us

We are based in Kuala Lumpur, a capital city of Malaysia.

For now the only mean to contact us is by email to [email protected]